I hate pretense. Absolutely irritates the Hell out of me. The constant need to put on a show whenever possible; I see it all the time. Maybe I’m just picking at something insignificant, yet it bothers me just the same. I hate it when people walk around wherever they go and feel the need to bring a cup of coffee with them; this seems to be a recurring theme at the workplace. I can’t tell you how many times I have had someone give something to me with one hand, while with their other hand their holding some kind of Starbucks cup, ready to drink at a moment’s notice. Yet they don’t really drink the coffee. They just stand there and hold the cup like it’s a prop. I don’t even like the smell of coffee, so I am already irritated. Now I have to stand by and watch as the coffee cup sets the pace. Everything revolves around this prop; body language, mannerisms, how someone speaks, etc. It’s too much!
What does this mean? Does walking around with a cup of coffee enhance who you are? Does it make you cool? Is there a special privilege that I am unaware of? Honestly, I think it’s dumb. Maybe dumb is a harsh word; however there is no need for this ridiculous habit. I have had people come to me at my job from different departments, from different floors, with a cup of coffee in hand. Are we supposed to be sharing a moment together? Are we celebrating moments of our lives? Is it supposed to be a peace offering? Hey, I like chocolate milk, but you don’t see me carrying a container of it with me wherever I go. At least I would have the decency to take a sip, just so we can get past the suspense of whether or not I will take the plunge. Just to be annoying, or maybe just to start a trend I will carry around a container of chocolate milk, Nestles of course!
I’m ranting. I’m ranting over something that I can’t control, and really should just leave alone. Am I alone about the pretentiousness of the whole thing? I know I’m not. Deep down I’m sure there are those who feel the same way that I do. Join me when I say STOP THE MADNESS!!