Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dating During the Recession

As I mentioned in my previous article, I had lunch with one of my co-workers this past Friday in order to catch up. We ended up talking about a number of topics. Although she briefly touched on this one, I have been thinking about it ever since and wanted to talk about it.

I've decided to get back into the dating game. It's been too long since I went out with someone and feel that I am at least ready to throw my hat into the dating arena once again. However, this year is 2011 and although I have a job, there is a recession to consider. I am single with no children, so that isn't an issue. I am not debt ridden, so that isn't an issue either. I am responsible for rent, cable, groceries, and a few other bills. Who isn't? And the dollar does not go as far as it use to. Can dating be factored in without sending me spiraling financially?  Good question.

I am old school. I always have been and always will be. What I mean is that whenever I would go out on a date with a woman in the past, at least in the beginning I would always pay for everything. I never did any half stepping. I always subscribed to the idea that the man pays for everything, and I do mean everything. I'm not saying that I spent money that I didn't have, but I just took care of everything. That's how I was raised.

It is now 2011 and like I stated earlier the dollar doesn't go as far as it use to. Times keep changing. Now I have some decisions to make if I am really serious about dating. I don't have a problem spending money, however prices keep going up. Dining out is expensive. Hell, even going to the movies is more expensive than ever; the menu at your typical Manhattan movie theater looks like something out of a fast food joint. They no longer sell just beverages, hot dogs, popcorn and candy, but chicken fingers among other items that I can't recall at the moment. You could spend a fortune just at the movies on "snacks" alone. Then after the movies there is still the rest of the evening to consider. What if my date is hungry or wants to go to a bar for drinks, or do both? At the end of the evening I would be out a significant amount of money; and this is just the first date! There is no guarantee that there would be a second date.

Maybe I am exaggerating. The first date doesn't have to consist of those activities, but understand money will be spent. Yes, I live in New York City, so I can find plenty to do that's not so expensive or rather "cheap." But how long can I get away with that? My date might think I am cheap which might be a turn off. Her tastes may be different. My date will certainly have interests that she would like to share with me. Am I suppose to expect her to pay for something when it interests her?

Don't even get me started when it comes to subscribing to dating websites. That is an investment in itself. Subscribing to sites like E-Harmony, and doesn't come cheap. Dating doesn't come cheap period. Maybe I should rethink the whole dating thing.

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